How to share a folder with a shareable link

If you're looking to share a folder in Razuna, one of the easiest methods is to create a shareable link for the folder. By doing this, you can provide anyone with the link access to the folder. Additionally, you can create multiple shareable links for the same folder, allowing you to share the folder with different people or groups without giving them access to the entire Razuna system.

You can create unlimited links for files and folders if you have a paid account. Shareable links can be handy if you need to share a folder with a large number of people or if you want to share a folder with a group of people for an extended time.

Another benefit of shareable links is that you can customize the settings for each link. For example, you can set an expiration date for the link, after which it will no longer work. You can also require a password to access the folder, which can help ensure that only authorized users can view the contents of the folder.

Creating a shareable link is a quick and easy way to share a folder in Razuna. Customizing the settings for each link allows you to ensure that your content remains secure and accessible only to those who need it.

Razuna create shareable links for folders

2 months ago